Every homeowner or tenant wishes to safeguard themselves against certain risks by purchasing home insurance. But did you know that for some types of damage, it may be very difficult if not impossible for you to obtain protection?
Even if you’re fully covered! It’s in your interest to be well informed beforehand to avoid unpleasant surprises. But also, proceed with caution. In any case, don’t forget that each insurance company has specific clauses, exclusions and limits regarding their policies. It’s therefore important that you perfectly understand your contract.
Vermin Infestation Damage
Even if your policy covers a wide range of risks, it will likely exclude damage due to animal pests or insects. Have rodents chewed up your balcony or mice moved into your attic? You’ll have to dip into your savings to pay for repairs and, in some cases, hire an exterminator.
- Some advice: To stop vermin entering your property in the first place, you should seal cracks in the walls, roof and foundation. It’s likewise recommended that you block access through air inlets and outlets with metal mesh, for example.
- Good to know: When it comes to damage caused by your pet, you can purchase an all-risk policy, which protects you against certain kinds of damage. Check with different insurers to find the best coverage for you.
Normal Wear and Tear Due to the Property’s Age
As the years go by, cracks may appear along the walls and foundation, the roof may begin showing signs of age, and mould may become an issue in rooms prone to damp, like the basement or bathroom. Your home is subject to normal wear and tear, and you can’t do much about it, unfortunately. You cannot file a claim, namely, to cover the cost of replacing a roof that is over ten years old. Your insurance policy, moreover, won’t usually include collateral damage due to normal deterioration. For instance, if you’ve delayed reshingling the roof and water infiltration has caused mould to grow, your insurer won’t reimburse you.
- Some advice: It’s best not to neglect home maintenance to prevent gradual wear from becoming a financial burden.
Water Damage
Your home insurance policy no doubt protects you against many types of water damage. Nevertheless, caution is advised as some exclusions may apply. Indeed, if the damage is the result of neglect or poor maintenance, or both, by the homeowner or tenant, the insurer will very probably reject the claim. Hence, policies won’t cover damage caused, for example, by repeated leaks due to a cracked pipe or a frequently overflowing toilet. In fact, such accidents are usually considered a maintenance issue and not a loss.
Good to know: Since insurance companies don’t typically offer protection against normal wear and tear over time (see section above), carrying out regular maintenance and replacing aging equipment (plumbing, water heater, etc.) are essential to avoid water damage.
Did you know? : Basic insurance policies don’t generally include flooding due to rivers or other bodies of water bursting their banks. Same goes for sewer backups! You will need to take out additional protection… that is if your insurer agrees to cover you.
Certain Types of Natural Disasters Due to Earth Movement
As a rule, basic home insurance policies systematically exclude damage caused by natural phenomena like landslides or earthquakes, even if indirect damage occurs as a result of these events (such as a ground fissure compromising your house’s structure).
- Good to know: Thankfully, options exist to extend your protection to include earthquakes and landslides, but they remain relatively expensive. If you live in an area prone to these kinds of natural disasters, it may be wise to discuss these options with your insurer.
- Did you know? : Basic home insurance generally covers tornado, windstorm and lightning-related damage.
Pollution and Environmental Damage
If you live near a pollution emitter, like a factory, toxic substances (chemical discharge or industrial gases, for example) may affect your property. And yet, your insurer won’t cover damage caused by these pollutants, such as exterior cladding discolouration or roofing material deterioration. In fact, home insurance policies exclude pollution-related damage, whether the contamination is airborne, waterborne or soil-based. It’s therefore crucial that you know the environmental risks present in your area and implement mitigation measures, if possible.
In short, remember that each insurer has its own particular protection clauses, exclusions and limits. Understanding your policy’s coverage is key!